Counting to Music 101
Welcome to the first lesson in our Swing Dancing 101 series - Counting to Music 101!
Below you'll find tools to help you better understand the music that makes us move. There are three main sections below - Lessons, Practice, and Final Exam. On top of the main lesson & practice, there are supplemental articles and videos to expand your knowledge.
Below you'll find tools to help you better understand the music that makes us move. There are three main sections below - Lessons, Practice, and Final Exam. On top of the main lesson & practice, there are supplemental articles and videos to expand your knowledge.
Let's start at the very beginning (A Very good place to start)
For many people new to dancing, counting to music is something...well, If this is you, wonderful, you've found the right place to start your journey. The following audio lesson is intended to help you better count to music. While counting is not necessary (at all!) for Swing dancing, it certainly makes it easier to learn. After the lesson, there are some video supplementals to reinforce this audio, before we enter our practice section.
the most important lesson!
Now that you have an understanding how to count, it's worth a brief sidebar to discuss how to clap, snap, and tap to swing. The short version - accent the 2 & the 4. The slightly longer version...well, why don't we let jazz & swing legend Dawn Hampton explain.
The talented Harry Connick Jr., provided a wonderful example of the difference between clapping on the 1/3 and the 2/4. In the video below, the audience is clapping on the 1 & the 3 (again, no!). At the 0:40 mark, Connick Jr. plays a single 5/4 measure (remember, most Swing is in 4/4). From then on, the audience is clapping on the 2 & the 4. Listen - and enjoy - the difference between the two.
For You visual learners
If you'd like a little more instruction, check out the videos posted on YouTube by the person behind the handle "ihatetodance". The following videos are highly recommended!
* "Into to Sets of 8 - How to Count Music"
* "Count Music - Sets of 8"
* "Where to Clap in Music"
* "Where to Snap in Music"
* "Downbeats & Upbeats"
* "Skippy Blair - Counting 8s"
* "Into to Sets of 8 - How to Count Music"
* "Count Music - Sets of 8"
* "Where to Clap in Music"
* "Where to Snap in Music"
* "Downbeats & Upbeats"
* "Skippy Blair - Counting 8s"
Practice - we talkin' about practice!
Alright, enough learning! It's time to apply what we know. There are two audio practices: Part 1 introduces the exercises and counts to the music with you. Part 2 features the same exercises/songs as in Part 1, but without the counting along and in a different order.
Part 1
Part 2
Final exam!!!
The final exam has been postponed...but note...postponed only! It will be available very soon! ;)