Oonta Goota solo 2024 Schedule
Friday Night - jedi master's workshop
Friday NIGHT - Swingin' at the mint tavern dance
The Mint Tavern (332 W. Sahara Ave)

Intro to Swing Lesson ($10)
DJed Music Begins
The Madison; Snowball
DJ Kingpin
Welcome Jam; Shim Sham
DJ The Count of Monte Disco
The World Famous All Request Power Hour
Intro to Swing Lesson ($10)
DJed Music Begins
The Madison; Snowball
DJ Kingpin
Welcome Jam; Shim Sham
DJ The Count of Monte Disco
The World Famous All Request Power Hour
Saturday Day-time workshops (Lindy Hop)
Griffin Rehersal Studios (5087 Arville St, #B)
10a-10:15a: Registration
10:15a-10:45a: Warm-Up with Nick Peterson
11:00a-12:00p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Beg)
12:15p-1:15p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Beg/Int)
1:15p-1:45p: Break
1:45p-2:45p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Int)
Lindy Hop with Nick Peterson (Beg)
3:00p-4:00p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Int/Adv)
Lindy Hop with Nick Peterson (Beg/Int)
10:15a-10:45a: Warm-Up with Nick Peterson
11:00a-12:00p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Beg)
12:15p-1:15p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Beg/Int)
1:15p-1:45p: Break
1:45p-2:45p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Int)
Lindy Hop with Nick Peterson (Beg)
3:00p-4:00p: Lindy Hop with Nick Williams (Int/Adv)
Lindy Hop with Nick Peterson (Beg/Int)
SATURDAY NIGHT - The that's-n0-moon ball
Jedi Knights of COlumbus Hall; a.k.a. Markich Hall (911 E. Ogden Ave)

The That's-No-Moon Ball
Live Music (Band announcement not far, far away)
Dance Contest! Swing Wars: Episode 1 - A Jitterbug Menace
7:45p: Doors Open
8:00p: Dance Lesson with Justus & Amanda
8:30p: Band Set #1
9:15p: Performance ("These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For")
9:30p: Band Set #2
10:15p: Swing Wars: Episode 1 - A Jitterubg Menace
10:30p: Raffle Drawing & Band Set #3
11:15p: DJed Music
12:00a: End of Night
Live Music (Band announcement not far, far away)
Dance Contest! Swing Wars: Episode 1 - A Jitterbug Menace
7:45p: Doors Open
8:00p: Dance Lesson with Justus & Amanda
8:30p: Band Set #1
9:15p: Performance ("These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For")
9:30p: Band Set #2
10:15p: Swing Wars: Episode 1 - A Jitterubg Menace
10:30p: Raffle Drawing & Band Set #3
11:15p: DJed Music
12:00a: End of Night
sunday Day-time Workshops (balb0a & Lindy Hop)
11:00a-11:15a: Registration
11:15a-12:15p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Beg)
12:30p-1:30p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Beg/Int)
Balboa with Nick Peterson (Beg)
2:00p-3:30p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Int/Adv)
Balboa with Nick Peterson (Beg/Int)
3:30p-4:00p: Review
11:15a-12:15p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Beg)
12:30p-1:30p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Beg/Int)
Balboa with Nick Peterson (Beg)
2:00p-3:30p: Balboa with Nick Williams (Int/Adv)
Balboa with Nick Peterson (Beg/Int)
3:30p-4:00p: Review